Blog Post 16: How to Know If It's The Right Time To Change Careers

Changing careers to something that is more fulfilling and lights you up can be an incredibly empowering journey, however it also can be a daunting one.

So many Mums I coach come to me after having thought about the idea of a career change for quite some time, but haven’t made the decision in their mind to actually make the change. A big part of this is because they don’t know if it’s the ‘right’ time to make the change. 

This is because we are human with a human brain. Our brain tries to maintain the status quo, stay the same, because it thinks that’ll prevent us from danger. However, it also prevents us from reaching our true potential. This is why our brain always comes up with some form of a well disguised ‘excuse’ for not making a change. And for many, it’s around the timing of making a career change.

So in this post I wanted to delve into some key signs that might indicate to you that it's the opportune moment for a career change.

I’m also going to share some actionable steps to guide you in the right direction if you are considering a career change.

Signs it's Time for a Career Change

1. Lack of Passion and Engagement

When was the last time something ‘lit you up’ at work? The last time you felt excited about what you were doing?

If you can’t remember, and you feel like you’re simply going through the motions without that zest for what you do, it’s time to reflect on what used to energise you, and what you think might energise you now.

Aligning your work with your passions and interests can reignite that lost enthusiasm. And know that passions and interests change and evolve over time as you do. For me, I used to be really interested in property law. I loved that it was something tangible and I enjoyed working on massive multi million dollar deals. But then as I evolved, when I became a Mum and had my first child, I became so aware of wanting the world to be a better place, and how could I contribute in a way that I found really meaningful. My interests then developed into serving the community and going into the not-for-profit world.

If you aren’t passionate about what you are doing, and what you do doesn’t really align with your current interests or values, it’s time to explore what work could energise you.

2. Constant Stress and Burnout

This is a big one, especially for us Mums. 

Have your workdays turned into a never-ending cycle of stress? Are you coming home at the end of the day with an empty tank, and are unable to be present or show up in the way you want to as a Mum?

Are you finding it challenging to disconnect from work even during your supposed downtime?

Are you feeling mentally and physically exhausted? (even though you might be sitting behind a desk for more hours in the day than anything else)?

For me, the biggest sign was that I wasn’t sleeping at night. I would be so incredibly tired by the end of the day but even if I fell asleep, I would wake in the middle of the night with my thoughts consumed about work - feeling the pressure to meet deadlines, expectations, and in a constant state of overwhelm. 

I remember vividly that when I would tell people I wasn’t sleeping at night, they would immediately say that it was because my kids were so young, to which I responded “they are sleeping through the night! It’s me that’s keeping myself up all night!”

3. Limited Growth and Development

Intentionally or unintentionally, many Mums end up taking a bit of ‘backseat’ in their career and professional development after they have kids. Some go back to work part-time, and although we are often getting paid less and working just as much as we did before we had kids, often employers have us taking on less projects or client-facing responsibilities, and it can sometimes feel like we are stagnating in our career.

If you have been in the same role for years with minimal change or advancement and you feel like you’re not really learning or growing professionally, it might be a sign that it’s time for a change, either changing the company you work for or potentially a career change if you believe that it’s not the company, it’s perhaps the industry or job function that is not aligning with the way in which you want to grow and develop professionally. 

Now, I don’t want you to criticise your employer, or worse, yourself, for this. But it’s good to just notice if this is the case for you. And then come from a place of curiosity and ask yourself what positions or industries might excite you and lay out a path for your growth and development?

I encourage you to keep an open mind about this. For me, when I was trying to reinvent my career and knew I wanted to start my own business, I enrolled in a program to learn more about entrepreneurship, to enhance my skills and open up new career opportunities. 

4. Mismatched Values and Culture

Another sign that it might be the right time to change careers is if the values and culture of your current workplace clash with your personal beliefs.

One of my clients, who is very into health and fitness, was working as an Operations Director at one of the largest fast food chains. Although she did enjoy parts of her work, her core values of health and fitness clashed with what the company was selling, and what she was ultimately helping to sell - fried fast food.

The company did not align with her values, so we started researching companies and industries that did. 

5. Financial Discontent

Do you feel undervalued and underpaid for the work you do? 

Do you think there’s an opportunity to earn a lot more in your current career?

One of my clients is a nurse, and she knew that her earning ‘ceiling’ was capped. So together we explored careers in sectors that would offer better compensation packages and opportunities for financial growth, that still aligned with her skills, expertise and passion to help others.

Ultimately, recognising when it's the right time to change careers is the universe nudging you toward your purpose. 

If any of the signs I mentioned in this blog resonate with you, it’s time to trust your inner wisdom and start exploring a career that lights you up and is aligned with your values.

And if you are thinking that it’s time to consider a career change but you’re unsure where to start, please know that I’m here to help you, and show you how to discover your true career calling, and help you land that dream career.

Love Loren


Blog Post 17: Two ways to help you navigate this incredibly difficult time


Blog Post 15: How to move into a new industry without starting from scratch