Blog Post 22: What discomfort are you choosing? 🤔

My body was shaking and my hands were sweaty as I pressed the record icon on GarageBand. My voice cracked as I spoke into my podcast microphone for the very first time. 

“Hhhi, my name is Loren and welcome to the Career and Confidence Podcast for Mums.”

I felt SO nervous talking into that mic. I felt so uncomfortable. I wasn’t even talking to anyone yet! The podcast hasn’t even been published yet. But the thought of people listening to it, the thought of me putting my ideas out there and deciding to create a podcast filled me with such nervousness and trepidation.

I felt SO much discomfort. But I knew it was the good kind of discomfort.

Let me explain.

There are two types of discomfort. There is a good type of discomfort and a bad type of discomfort.

The BAD type of discomfort is the one where you stay stuck, where you stay in unfulfilling work, where you don't explore what could be possible for you.

The GOOD type of discomfort is the one where you step outside of your comfort zone, where you're taking massive action and going for what you really want in life.

All my clients come to me because they are feeling some kind of discomfort. 

Usually, it's the discomfort of knowing deep down inside that there is something else ‘out there’ for them, but they don’t know what it could be. They fear the unknown, they fear truly exploring what it could be, so they stay stuck.

There they feel the discomfort of staying the same. 

They feel the discomfort of staying in an unfulfilling career doing unfulfilling work.

That discomfort eats at them. It permeates other areas of their life, like how they show up to their partner, work colleagues, friends and kids. 

That’s the bad type of discomfort.

The brave ones come to me to help get them out of that discomfort.

The interesting thing though is that when you step out of the bad type of discomfort, you enter a new kind of discomfort. The good type of discomfort.

My clients don’t love this at first.  

Naturally, they are humans. Neither did I when I first realised this truth.

BUT ask yourself - is the goal of life to feel ‘comfortable’ all of the time?

If we were ‘comfortable’ all the time we arguably wouldn't be doing much, we would just be sitting on our couch all day. Where’s the growth and learning in that?

There’s no growth in comfort.

There’s no upleveling your career and your life in comfort. 

The good type of discomfort is the discomfort that expands you as a human, that evolves you into the next best version of yourself. 

The good type of discomfort allows you to step out of your comfort zone and see what’s possible for you.

It’s the discomfort of discovering who you truly are, what you genuinely want, and then exploring the possibilities and opportunities out there to create a fulfilling career.

This good type of discomfort IS the currency you pay to achieve your dreams.

As humans, I believe we are ALWAYS going to feel some kind of discomfort.

But society and our culture has made it so easy to escape this good kind of discomfort.

We are encouraged to escape discomfort.

If you’re working on something difficult, how tempting is it to just scroll through social media, go get a snack, go watch Netflix?

There are so many escapes these days. There are so many ways to distract yourself and not feel that discomfort.

But that discomfort is growth.

That discomfort is the valley you have to go through to achieve your goals, the path to success.

You can't be comfortable all the way to success.

So ask yourself: What type of discomfort are you choosing right now?

If you notice you’re in the bad type of discomfort and want to step into the good type of discomfort, what do you need to do to get there?

What do you need to tell yourself to get there?

If you want help stepping into the good type of discomfort, with a framework and roadmap to get you to where you KNOW you’re supposed to be, I encourage you to book in your free Strategy Session and learn how to LOVE that good type of discomfort. 

Because that good type of discomfort IS the pathway to your dreams. It’s how you create the career and life you’ve always wanted.

Love Loren x


Blog Post 23: It’s time to ditch the cape: 8 strategies to BREAK FREE from Superwoman Syndrome 🦸‍♀️


Blog Post 21: How to Navigate Career Transitions Without the 'Compare and Despair' Trap