Blog Post 11: 10 Simple Strategies To Achieve Your Goals This Year

This is what usually happens: We try to create a goal to achieve in our life, whether it be personal or professional.

We say it aloud or write it down on a piece of paper, and then realise we don't know exactly how we are going to achieve that goal, so we push it to one side and just ignore it.

But it often taps us on the shoulder and whispers in our ear “I'm still here. I know you want this. Why aren't you doing it?”

Your goals are your desires. When they form in your mind, I like to think of it as your future self showing you the beacon of where you need to get to next.

Most goals we create are so much more than just a goal to us. They are showing us what we truly want in our lives. 

The more persistent it is, nudging you as you go about your day, the more likely it is to be something that, if you achieve, will take you to that next version of yourself. 

Most people just push their true desires, their goals away and try to ignore them, using excuses like “it’s just too hard”, or “I’ll start when things aren’t so busy”.

More often than not a person doesn’t start on their goal because they don’t know the ‘exact’ steps that they need to take to achieve the goal. 

They don’t know the ‘how’, so they give up before they really try to achieve it.

This is failing ahead of time.

In this blog, I’ll explore 10 strategies to help you take action on your goals even when you don't know all the steps to get there.

1. Define your goal clearly

While you might not know every detail about how to achieve your goal, having a clear understanding of what you want to accomplish is important. Break down your goal into specific and measurable components. I like creating a SMARTY goal.  This stands for:

  • Specific: What exactly do you want to accomplish? 

  • Measurable: How will you know when your goal is achieved? How will you measure success?

  • Achievable/Attainable: Your goal should be challenging but attainable.

  • Realistic: Make sure your goal can genuinely be accomplished.

  • Time-bound: By when will you have achieved this goal? 

Most people stop here with the SMART goal formula, however I believe it is really important to have a compelling Why (Y), and keep this in mind when you are setting and working towards your goal.

  • Why (Y): Why do you want to achieve this goal? How will your life be positively impacted by achieving this goal? 

Being able to tie your goals to a greater “Why” will help increase your chances of success, and keep you motivated as you are moving towards that goal. This clarity will serve as a guiding light, helping you focus your efforts even when the path ahead is uncertain.

2. Research and gather information

Research and gather information on the goal, and some strategies you can use to get there. 

However, this strategy comes with a warning.

Do not do things for too long.

This strategy might feel like you are doing something, but it is only beneficial up to a certain point.

Researching and consuming information is taking Passive Action on your goal.

You want to be taking Massive Action towards your goal.

Here’s what it looks like in practice. For example, I want to create a website for my business:

  • Passive Action = researching the best website platform provider, comparing providers, watching videos, attending workshops, reading on forums.

This might seem like I am working towards my goal, but in truth I haven’t actually even started creating the website, which is the goal.

  • Massive Action = deciding on the website platform provider, paying the fee, creating my first Home page, publishing the website, letting my network know my website is live

3. Write down your goal and tell at least one person about it

Once you define your goal, write it down and tell at least one person about it.

When you do this, it is officially out there, in the world. You can no longer ignore it. It is no longer a thought or a wish in your head. 

I find this helps keep me accountable, and helps me live into and lean into my goal. 

It is happening. I am on the path. 

It goes from “I have a dream to ___” to “I’m working on ___ goal.”

4. Create a ‘flexible’ list

Once you have done some initial research, it’s time to use your super thinking power.

Write down all of the things that you think you need to do to achieve your goal.

Remember, this list is flexible and WILL change, so don’t overthink it.

Because chances are when you’re actioning them ‘in the real world’, they will not turn out the way you had anticipated.

5. Break down your list into manageable steps

If your list feels overwhelming, break down each line item to tasks that are more manageable.

For example, if I have on my list “make a website”, this might feel overwhelming, so I break it down into smaller steps.

Find website host platform, learn how to use platform, create wording/copy for my home page, add the wording to the home page, find images to add to the homepage, upload images to that home page etc.

6. Start with the first step

Once you make your flexible list, so many people get hung up on ‘where’ to start.

The truth is, it doesn’t really matter where you start. It just matters that you start!

Review your list and think about which one might be the best one to start with, with the information you currently have.

Just focus on that first step, and then the next, and then the next.

Remember this: Action Creates Clarity.

Starting small also helps build momentum and confidence, gradually propelling you towards your larger goal.

7. Embrace the learning curve 

Not knowing the ‘how’ is completely normal. 

If you don’t know the ‘how’, nothing has gone wrong! 

You are on the right track.

You are not supposed to know the ‘how’.

The truth is, if you haven’t achieved that goal yet you won’t ever know the ‘how’. 

You’ll only know the ‘how’ once you get there.

So instead of letting the unknown discourage you, see it as part of the course. See it as an opportunity to learn and grow. 

Adopt a growth mindset, which is believing that your abilities and intelligence can be developed through effort and learning. This mindset allows you to see your journey towards the goal as  being an opportunity to learn and grow.

Obstacles = Opportunities

Each step you take, even your perceived ‘failures’, brings you closer to your goal, and imparts valuable insights.

Remember, failing is giving up on your goal. Everything else is just gathering information.

8. Seek guidance and mentorship

Connect with people who have experience in your field or have achieved similar goals. Their insights and advice can provide valuable shortcuts, helping you avoid common pitfalls and navigate challenges more effectively.

However, like with the research and gathering information strategy, do not stay on this step for too long, or take a person’s word as gospel. There are many ways to achieve a goal, and what worked for one person may not work for another.

9. Think like your future self - the person that has achieved the goal already

Ask yourself, what would you be thinking if you had already achieved the goal?

What would you be doing?

How would you be feeling?

What would you be thinking?

How would you be showing up in the world?

If you can become the person you are striving to be, and work towards your goal from that mindset, you will achieve it.

You could even try asking yourself this powerful question: Think about your future self as having already achieved the goal and get him/her to tell your present self how you did it.

Or think about a person you admire, and imagine that they have achieved that goal. Try and imagine what they would say about how they achieved that goal and the steps that they took to achieve it.

Your own creativity in answering this question will astound you.

10. Remember that Imperfection is Perfection

Do not strive for perfection as you work on your goal.

Taking Massive Action, even if it’s not ‘perfect’ (according to whose standards anyway?), is much better than waiting for the perfect moment or plan.  

Why? Because there is NO such thing as perfection.

Success is built upon a pile of failures.

Ultimately, we will never truly know the ‘how’ until we get there. Until we achieve the goal.

If you use these strategies, you can navigate the unknown and uncertainty with confidence.

Success happens when you’re willing to learn, adapt and take Massive Action even when the path isn’t clear.

What you might find is this: Achieving the goal never ends up being about the goal itself. The actual achievement of the goal is just a moment in time. 

The ‘goal’ of a goal is to show you what you are capable of. 

It is about the person you become on the way to achieving the goal. 

It really is the journey rather than the destination.

Love Loren x


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